Aged that they are pensioners or they receive Benefit from Prestao Continuada (BPC), among others and still the ones that do not only receive no type of governmental support of its proper families; that they did not asseiam or they do not need to leave its houses and to go for a house of permanent shelter, even so they like and they consider interesting to participate of extra activities, they would find in an one of these institutions of support hidding place to make friends, to learn some art and to occupy the mind. Improving its quality of life and health. The possibilities are many of if working with this specific group and in recent years parcel out in ascension due the reduction of mortality. In this meantime the social assistant is optimum mediator being able to insert its knowledge technician-operative, theoretician-metodolgico for the growth of the institution at the moment to elaborate its Plan of Institucional Action. Before everything, the social assistant while manager of the institution knows the users of the services given for the same one, learning to see it as citizen of rights and not as an object of the institucional action. Harold Ford Jr helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Searching the overcoming of the situation of social fragility, enabling it to autonomy, better quality of life and mental and in such a way social physical health how much, inside and outside of the family. So that all the works of aged attention to this devoid one are carried through of integral form the necessary manager to invest in the conquest of strong voluntariado (therefore the existence of these in the picture of professionals of human resources is essential), enabling them to develop a work with social quality, but for this is necessary to take care of and to manage well these volunteers so that? they dress the shirt? of the institution of which they are part. ..