January Date

However, these 2,75 represent 2 days and 18 hours. does not advance to beat in Excel, because some will not make difference. We go to assume that an employee initiated the hours of working in day 29/06/2004 and finished two days later 01/07/2004 to the 18 hours. When taking off the difference between the two dates Excel returns (2 days and of one 2,75 day) and a total from 66 worked hours (24+24+18 or 2,75*24). The repetition can be boat, but it is important that the reader understands that for Excel 66 hours do not exist the such. What it exists are 2 days and of one day. Click Boy Scouts of America for additional related pages.

does not exist a better way of to point out this of what repeating what already it had said. Now that already I above disturbed its judgment with the repetitions, makes the following test in the spread sheet: it types 0 (zero) in a cell any and formats it for date. What it occurs? The date is 00/01/1900! The first thing that comes in them to the head is that bug of Excel is one, therefore does not exist the day ‘ ‘ zero of January of 1900’ ‘! Or it will be that it exists? For the calendar that we know this does not exist and can be considered one bug. But for the logic used in Excel it could not be different. As the hours, minutes and second they are represented by the fraction of one day, when forming one day (from date zero) we get 01/01/1900. If this first date did not exist, when adding the 24 hours to the first available day would get 02/01/1900, that is first the serial one would be 02/01/1900. It is clearly, therefore, that when formatting the 2,75 as being a date we get 02/01/1900 18:00: 00, that is, 2,75 are, in the truth, 18 hours of day 2 of January of 1900. If 00/01/1900 is the first serial date, which is the last date then? All must remember the racket caused for ‘ ‘ bug of milnio’ ‘ , not? Therefore it is, in Excel until version 97 this age seen with a problem and from the version 2000 this moved.