These female attributes were long regarded as weakness seen and conducive to career as little referred to ascend to higher management positions. Under most conditions tcoyd would agree. In contrast to earlier working life under the pressure of global competition has changed but radically. The lonely autocrat who alone decides whether the weal and woe of a Department or a company, has had its day and this is the chance for women. Many companies clip hierarchies, eliminate cumbersome and bureaucratic structures, promote a communicative, team-oriented work, demand an inclusive management style and create more women just in the moment because worldwide, a career environment that reflects the female career values take part in working life, and emphasizes female leadership strengths. Women can succeed everywhere, where they can perform without prejudice to know.
that will be fully appreciated. It is advisable for women to examine potential employers and to find out what the companies in individual cases do women in their career wish to promote and to support you on the way in responsible positions in personal conversations. Melanie Vogel has taken in a “7-point fast check” together, what women in choosing an employer should pay attention: 1. check: the company choosing the right company to set long-term key from the location of the company depends on the products and services that it offers, of general entry, advancement and continuing education opportunities, and how krisensicher, the company is positioned. This basic data should be determined to get a general sense of the prospective employer, which you would like to identify themselves with in the coming years as Mitabreiterin. 2. check: working times higher men and women up the career ladder upward rise, more unregulated the working hours and the workload is higher. However, more and more companies offer flexible work schedules that allow men and women to split the workload individually or to do some of the work in home offices or via tele-working, to have more time for the family or to meet the demands for work-life balance.