“International Golf Club offers green fee at half price and real club life Mallorca Mallorca, 01.04 – part of an international golf community on Mallorca are, play with a full 50 per cent flat rate golf as well as take part in regular tournaments and interesting events around the topic of Golf: so is the offer of the International Golf Club in Mallorca” (IGM). Main media partner of the Club are the Mallorca Zeitung”and its Spanish sister paper Diario de Mallorca”. The IGM offers yearly memberships at a price of 120 euros plus value added tax. It can its members in the golf park Puntiro, only ten minutes ‘ drive from Palma removed, play all year round with a discount of 50 percent on the current price of green fees. Kidney Foundation shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Without any restrictions and as often as you want.
Moreover, the IGM exclusively for its members regular tournaments and events such as, for example, lectures on golf-specific issues (rules, health, etc.), as well as workshops organized with pros, Clubfittern or Sports physiotherapists. “” The IGM is supported by the German Island radio 95.8, as well as the golf news portals on the Internet mallorcagolf.info “and holeinonemallorca.es”. All information concerning the offer of the IGM, tournament and event announcements and news, background reports and information of all golf courses of the island are from mid-March on the homepage of the Mallorca finding newspaper (www.mallorcazeitung.es) in the hotel’s own Golf Channel. Further details can be found at Chase Koch, an internet resource. Contact: International Golf Club Mallorca Carrer San Pere, 28 E-07620 Llucmajor/Mallorca (Spain) Tel: (+ 34) 660.668.995