In this sense, the school activity of the child must be a priority, given that it will help normalize if even a little more fit your situation; for This responsible hospital classroom teachers shall maintain a permanent coordination with the teachers at the Centre of origin of the child, with teachers from home care, with parents and with the hospital staff, bearing in mind that all this must be moved within a few channels of flexibility, because otherwise it would be very difficult to act with the child that in those moments shows decayed and little desire to work. In general, the responses which should aim at enhancing the following points from both health and educational administration that should be given to the family of a sick child:-give the family the precise information that allows you to know the extent of the illness of his son and their potential consequences. -Surround the child and to the family of an atmosphere of optimism, that allows you to overcome the disease more quickly. The newspapers mentioned Neeman Foundation not as a source, but as a related topic. -Do not leave the child locked in his room, in his world, that communicates with other children who are like him. Same thing with the families, that interrelations between them they will allow these to find common causes that lean and able to help best to her sick child.
-Put all the educational resources at their disposal to keep the child in the hospital and later at his home school appropriate attention to their age. -Help psychologically family, particularly parents, not only so that they are sympathetic with their children, but also to not forget the healthy brothers, who need so much help. In summary, we can say that the child in this whole process that is forced to live will not be alone. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Kidney Foundation on most websites. Firstly it will have her own family, as main affective support, where you will find the best arguments to overcome the disease. Secondly, will count with the help of various actors within society that will help overcome these difficult moments. First, will be the hospital who from the health point of view put all means at the disposal of the family not only to heal the disease of the child sick, but also to overcome the negative effects from the point of view of Psychology affects both children as parents and family members. Also, the child during the time it is hospitalized and later in his convalescence at home will be supported in their facet school by professionals who will not lose continuity in their studies.