New Dianetics Seminar

The new Dianetics seminar on 5 and 6 September 2009 in the Scientology Church Munich starting 10:00 instead of early and then every weekend. L. Ron of Hubbard’s book from the year 1950 was given recently on two DVDs out. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Nieman Foundation. These movies are visual presentations of his book “Dianetics: the Guide to the human mind”. The book is part of the religious literature and works of Hubbard. It is a record of Hubbard’s discoveries, observations and studies about life and human nature.

The term Dianetics uses is from the Greek word “by slide” and together nous “soul”. Dianetics describes the basic principles of the mind and the soul or what it does to the soul the body. By exercising these discoveries, it became apparent that Dianetics dealt with an entity, which is opposed to the expiry of the time – the human soul – known originally as “I” and later as “Thetan”. This outbound, Hubbard continued his research and finally put the path to the total spiritual freedom for each firm. The seminar including the movies is shown, the new DVDs of Dianetics, convey medical advice or treatment.

The Dianetics not also sees itself as a method for treating physical and also does not pretend this or claims in this direction. The new Dianetics Seminar takes place in the Munich-based Scientology Church from 5th September 2009 every weekend. The seminar lasts from Saturday to Sunday from 10:00 each 2 days – early. The seminar fee is EUR 90.00. The food for the two days is also included. Registration for the seminar for the 5th and 6th September will in time requested, Tel.: 089-38607-0 – password: new Dianetics seminar. The new Dianetics seminar on Saturday, explains how to use Dianetics. A one and a half-hour visual presentation principles and procedures and are explained, used by millions of people all over the world. The first presentation of the film “as one the” Dianetics uses”is based on the book” Dianetics: the Guide to the human mind “. This film gives all information immediately to begin the exercise of Dianetics. This means that after the movie also equal the first auditing (counseling) is carried out in practice. The person selects a student with which she feels comfortable. These two audit to the Exchange. The 2nd DVD “Aspects of auditing” is seen on Sunday. This DVD contains 18 additional films, in which different aspects of the Dianetics auditing are taken up. It shows exactly how to apply every aspect. The films are screened individually. Next audited is alternating with the movies on Sunday. The films help to get a better reference to the Dianetics to improve a better understanding and skill of each auditor. Thus each student also the reference to the book “Dianetics: A Guide to the human mind” can take, refer the movies on the respective chapter in the book. The Dianetics is a part of the Scientology religion.