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Dear reader, what kind of person do you feel – knowing or strong? Why? To answer these questions, it is necessary to understand that such a power, where and what she is. Widely known for a catch phrase: "Knowledge – the power!" Interestingly, what is the deeper meaning of this statement. After all, if to take it literally, it goes nestykovochka with the facts. Among your friends probably have two people with higher education, which does not include strong get (language does not turn). Then what is knowledge? In this article we will talk briefly about the main issues of this important topic. Who knows more about life – a child or an adult? And who are more happy? What is the reason this paradox? The answer is simple – in the way of perceiving the world.

The child does this directly, sensually. Adult – through the acquisition of patterns, charts, familiar logic. And thus sees, perceives and understands the world limited, not completely. Moreover, the average person to build their world view, his "map of reality" on the basis of only the material component of life. Without taking into account the phenomena, processes, patterns, which are the reasons the material world.

Examples? Thinking man enough to match some of the causal relationships. Many miracles have become a reality is the result of the materialization of thought. From Recent achievements of mankind: cars, aircraft heavier than air, telecommunication, space flights and moon, and computers. First – an idea that thought-form, on the correct energy-filled and support, the output result.