Regal Foundation System

All data is collected relating to the shelf, such as the environment or floor construction of the plant. A specification can contain also the requirements of the local authorities. The use of the shelf system according to its specification means only so to use it, as it is designed and intended for this special equipment. Internal security officer in any operation where there is to manage a warehouse, is a security officer. His name is known to give all employees so they know to whom they can turn if necessary. The safety loading on carrier’s contact person in all matters that relate to the rack system. The area of responsibility of the security officer starts at the instigation of regular training and continuing education for staff.

In addition, he managed the frequency and scope of inspections. He does this under consideration of various factors. He studied the shelves how often and in what form used, which goods are stored and what people with the systems work. All written documentation about the rack system are presented to the security officer and spotted him, and archived. Should repairs be necessary, it is his duty to instruct them. To complete these tasks, the security officer with the operations in the camp must be familiar, learn about suppliers, and get in contact with them. The safety officer must always watch all processes and if necessary initiate prevention measures to prevent danger or harm.

Responsibility of the user of the user is the person or company that operates the shelving system and managed. She must offer working conditions that avoid any damage of the shelf systems and minimize risks. The user’s responsibility extends to all employees, the during their work everyday in the vicinity of the Are storage facilities. He is responsible for ensuring a safe working with the system. To do this, the user should note the following points and check: compliance with national and local regulations (fire safety, escape routes, etc.) Mounting the storage facility at best allow to carry by the manufacturer; If installation by user: compliance with all instructions given by the supplier on installation and Assembly which plant personnel must be trained in use of funds and dealing with storage quality of the environment, drought, cleanliness, external influences must be consistent with specification of the rack system characteristics of the Regal Foundation: resistance and rigidity must be sufficient to withstand heavy loads.