More than 10,000 people annually suffer from this disease in Germany alone. When chemotherapy and radiation do not help, only one can Help stem cell transplantation. Through them, a new red system is implanted patients. To do this, the patient but needs a donor whose tissue characteristics correspond as far as possible with your own. Then searches for a genetic twin. More than 20 million people are registered in the bone marrow and Stammzellspenderdateien as the Stefan Morsch Foundation and yet it is still a fluke when a matching donor is found for a patient. Alexander G. is the appropriate genetic twin for an Australian patient.
He knows nothing about the woman whether she is young or old, whether she has children, is rich or poor. It doesn’t matter to him. In January 2012, the young soldier Stammzellzellen donates: with the transplantation of stem cells, the patient gets a new red system. These stem cells are located in the bone marrow. There are two ways to transfer them: the removal of bone marrow on the iliac Crest never from the spinal cord.
Or the collection of peripheral blood stem cells from the blood similar to how a Dialysis. To an endogenous neurotransmitter administered before the donor, which makes the stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood. Stem cells are then taken in a sampling station as in the Stefan Morsch Foundation. The marrow will decide the nature of the donation. The graft is then as soon as possible brought to the patients – whether in the United States, Flensburg or Australia. Because the transplants within 72 hours must be carried out after the removal. Alexander G. is at this time in Germany. He is supervised and accompanied up the removal by the Stefan Morsch Foundation. That everything was quite straightforward. If I can help, I help”, says Alexander G..