Stefan Morsch Foundation

To an endogenous neurotransmitter administered before the donor, which makes the stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood. Stem cells are then taken in a sampling station as in the Stefan Morsch Foundation. The marrow will decide the nature of the donation. The graft is taken then as soon as possible to the patient – whether in the United States, to Flensburg or after Australia. Because the transplants within 72 hours must be carried out after the removal.

Alexander G. is at this time in Germany. He will be supervised by the Stefan Morsch Foundation up the removal and accompanied. that everything went quite easily. If I can help, I help”, says Alexander G..

Bettina Small Meier, who has coordinated this Stammzellentnahme on pages of the Stefan Morsch Foundation, explains: we contact, advise and support the donors during the entire preparation for the registry. He is for his own safety fully health checked, intensely about opportunities and risks clarified, and all organizational things, such as the suspension or the trips to the collection station and back home be removed him.” The loss of earnings and any other costs incurred are borne by the Foundation or replaced the health of the patient. We try as far as it goes – all possible obstacles out of the way to allow the donors. This is a very intensive work, but we like to invest, because we have always in mind: a man’s life is on the other side. Since every effort is justified,”so Bettina Kanakavel. Their daily tasks to solve problems and obstacles out of the way. Whether child care for a single mother to raise the funds should. Unless an employer of persuading to indemnify his employee for the life-saving donation. Or for example, the transport of the graft ad hoc to reorganize because of air traffic in Europe due to a volcanic eruption in Iceland has shut down.