One requires the appearance of a person with his conception of the Being in the policy, one that is decided to do and to institute. The subject is in which to domesticate to the Venezuelan government of Chvez- is not possible. The correct exposition is to induce that the human life is not repetition, and many less than the political enclaves, and to again find in the reflection and the deliberation a new sense. We are not speaking of one ” revelacin” sudden but of the new creation of imaginary a social one. Thus, without filling of ideas and thought on the future doing it will not be possible to change the existing thing. This Venezuelan government every day puts in doubt his reason of being and it is condition to our reach to build the new paradigm. The instituting possibility is hidden in the anonymous group.
This way it is necessary to forget the classic terminology. The maximum value is not a Constituent Power. It is it a Instituting Power, which does not mean that the instituting thing does not institutionalize, soon to be questioned by the new emersion of the instituting thing. The democracy is, then, continuous change. All process of this type passes is obvious in a concrete historical circumstance. In ours, in the one of the today Venezuelans, we cannot fear the future to the uncertain thing of the democracy of the 21st century who I conceive is, then, a permanent bring up to date. The present Venezuelan society is in negative phase. The protest is a simple loss of patience and the reading of columnistas that insult to the government a simple exercise of catharsis.