“The Mobile Man

‘The mobile man’ is the current theme week 2011 of the ARD from May 22 to 27. The mobile man”is the current theme week 2011 of the ARD from May 22 to 27. The ARD would like to reach with this theme week that Germany for one week and ideally also on mobility thinks, talks, discussed and in some places has perhaps even consequences for their own way of life”(web.ard.de/themenwoche_2011). Mobility is a vital principle and called for people not only while commuting to work, and while traveling. Mobility in terms of mobility is expression of an independent lifestyle in the age for elderly and sick people.

MobilesLEBEN”is the name of the magazine of the Association of Board of Trustees bone health for over 20 years In laienverstandlicher way in the respective title topics explains the disease process of osteoporosis, risk factors listed, explains diagnosis and treatment options and tips for given a bone-friendly lifestyle with bone-healthy nutrition and exercise. As authors in the MobilenLEBEN, including internationally renowned experts from the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board of the Board of Trustees bone health e.V. are represented. A copy of the view can be found on the homepage “a free specimen copy can be requested of the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. keyword with a DIN-A-4-envelope with a 1.45 euro: MobilesLEBEN” Leipziger str. 6 74889 Sinsheim, the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is the oldest national nonprofit that thematically deals with the bone health and taking care of osteoporosis patients. The year 2011 is a special year for us.

We are proud to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Since 1986 we are the point of contact for stakeholders and interested parties and take care of a heart for patients under the motto”that current scientific and medical knowledge in patient-friendly language in flyers, Brochures and magazine to present MobilesLEBEN to a wide audience.