TVG Publisher with mailing days very satisfied customer response Frankfurt am Main, 23 June 2010 on the mailing days, the trade fair for the classic and Digital customer dialogue, the quality of address and telephone data was a much discussed topic. The TVG Publisher, as an expert in data maintenance, presented during the fair of high-quality software solution AdressExpert for companies as a novelty, and was very pleased with the response. The professional maintenance of customer data provides many companies face a major challenge. Since many people often change their living and work space, addresses and telephone numbers become obsolete quickly. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit BSA. This causes errors in customer communication. Also, maintenance and troubleshooting costs time.
Companies of various industries, from insurance authorities up to publishers, struggling with problems of this kind. This was an important issue on the this year mailingtage in Nuremberg. The TVG Publisher gave expert advice to the everyday problems of companies in dealing with their data on-site. So far, the TVG-Verlag AdressExpert bot solely as a service to. Now companies AdressExpert can use as a server-based software in-house to update, correction and adjustment of data. The TVG Publisher for this works with software developers of Exorbyte GmbH. Convenient features such as the duplicate check, matching with the dying and moving data, as well as with the Robinson list companies therefore now even perform”, explains Patrick Langhans, responsible product manager in the TVG-Verlag.
The data remains always in its own IT system. As the discussions on the mailing days showed us, is an important factor for many companies.” “Patrick Langhans sums up: the mailingtage have helped us in 2010, establishing contacts and better understanding of the always changing needs of our customers.” Further information is available at.