To these social movements and actors compose who them it fits the paper to legitimize to the exercise of the citizenship and the practical one of the democracy. In the vision of the State, the social organizations are private partners of public ends with the perspective of the possibility of popular participation in the Public administration. The Reformation of the State in Brazil, appeared of some critical analyses regarding the functioning of the administrative machine, aiming at to guarantee to the citizens the basic rights. However, great part of the Brazilian population lives to the edge of the public politics and it did not have or it does not have access to the health and education of quality, although to have these rights guaranteed in the Constitution of the Brazilian Republic being determined them as duties of the State stop with the citizen. To analyze the Reformation of the State in its paper in the Brazilian social formation of if taking in consideration to the partner-economic transformations and the relations of the State with the relevance of the democracy. To think the Reformation of the State it is necessary that if it reflects on public politics, therefore if contemporary without the presence of the State and the politics applied for it in the treatment of the social differences cannot think about society. The organizacional function of the debate around its proper reform fits to the State and in the application of the attributed laws it so that the made organization either, the conflicts are mediated, the power of the assured market either and the State guarantees the legitimacy of its performance. According to Diniz, (1996), it is impossible to inside think a reform of the State of the limits of the bureaucracy. In accordance with its thought the subject of the democracy must be permanently present for not losing itself of sight that the State is a set of disposals where it must take in consideration the expectations of the citizens.