British Petroleum

Gulf Stream – a "river" of warm water that moved across the Atlantic, reached Murmansk, and warmed to Europe with its warmth, while protecting it from the polar winds. In Germany, for two consecutive months (during November and December 2010) remains stable snow cover thickness of about 10 cm, which had not been for many decades, and are unusual for the area cold, at night, reaching as low as minus 20 C. Typical for the winter thaw this year, not was. Italian physicists in an experiment using a bath of cold water and given a warm color jets of water. You could see the boundary layers of cold and warm jets when oil is added to the bath, the boundary layer of warm water disrupted and the current vortex was effectively destroyed. This is what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf Stream. River "warm water" that flows from the Caribbean do not reach Western Europe, it dies because of koreksita – a chemical that Barack Obama's administration allowed the concern British Petroleum (BP) used to hide the scale of the disaster as a result of the explosion drill platform in April last year.

About 2 million gallons koreksita, as well as several million gallons of other dispersants added to more than 200 million gallons of crude oil that was poured in a few months of well drilled in the bottom of BP Gulf of Mexico. So could effectively hide most of the oil, dropping it on the bottom, and hope that BP will seriously concern to reduce the size of the federal penalty, depending on the the size of the oil disaster. There is currently no effective way to "cleanse" the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, the oil reached the east coast of America and then flowed into the North Atlantic, and there is also no way to effectively clean oil, located at the bottom … Full article: