Digital Publicity

The digital publicity has become a revolution in the last years, and recent studies suggest the use of carteleria digital delay is increased three times more in the next years in spite of the economic recession. The increase in the use of this type of narrowcast (unlike broadcast or broadcasting) must to a large extent to the fall of the costs of the technology LCD and plasma that have lowered the prices. And the cost of the digital publicity is cheaper than the conventional methods (like written signaling, announcements of press, etc.) The uses of carteleria digital are every time majors with outdoors located screens LCD almost everywhere, including carteleria digital outside, thanks to the use of closets it stops LCD or closets for plasma. These are some of the uses of carteleria digital: – Points of public information – to obtain the news and information – Internal Information – corporative messages, of health and security, the news, etc – Publicity in general and creation of marks – To influence in the behavior of the client and to improve the experience of the client – Aesthetic Entertainment and For an effective campaign of digital publicity, three things are only needed: – A digital campaign – that can include, photographies, videos, music, voice and text and can be so simple or as complex as it is necessary. Many companies that often make carteleria digital treat and sell digital campaigns with their products, although it is necessary to indicate the majority of these types in agreements often are simple presentations in Power Point that can do, literally, anyone. You are far better for creating a simple campaign same or if it wants something more lavish then is better to pay a publicity agency that creates one for you. – Device of screen – the basic options are really LCD or shapes and although there are advantages and disadvantages in both systems (like the image and the quality of recording), these have been reduced drastically with the advance of the technology.

Some cartelerias digitalises apply technology of touch screen, but this is only adapted for the interactive campaigns, like the used ones in the kioscos of information.