What what said Vatican II? Each of these vocations, in principle the first 4, it has a religious dimension. The fact that you have the vocation to the Diocesan priesthood, does not mean that you’re not interested the Mission of the Church. It means that you have to live the missionary dimension. All spirituality in the Church has a missionary dimension. Religious life also has a missionary dimension. Each an equal.
The contemplative life equal to married life, the lay life, in any case. But Juan Pablo II speaks that there is other specific vocations. That is the vocation missionary adgentes. You can be a priest, a religious, or, a contemplative (Teresita of the child Jesus), or marriages. The code of Canon law.
The title of missionary, gives it to those who have the vocation. To be missionaries and that does not depend on, if it is that it is secular, if it is that it is religious, or priest, or is of contemplative life. It also does not depend on if you are overseas, or, native to the place. (2 Of the 3 book of Canon law title) They are 870 barrels and many, they are 12 guns devoted to this theme, which are inspired by Vatican II, in Adgentes. Canon law says the missionary title, does not depend of the legal criterion. Not It depends on the State of life, if he is consecrated or not consecrated, secular or religious. How also depends, geographic, if he is a foreigner or situation of the place. Religious congregations in which you can’t be member if you do not have the vocation is missionary Adgentes. The case of the Comboni missionaries. Even the laity, marriage, also by the fact of having received baptism have to live this dimension missionary. Being in the world to be able to evangelize all structures of society; politics, law, economics, education, etc., etc. So far, the first part he was in charge of Professor angel Gomez, with the original theological foundations of the author mission theme and source of the article