Two Balance

In the same way, our spiritual energy, our individuality (fire), tends to radically change the way we perceive and assess the world that surrounds us (Earth) the smaller arrows that emerge from each of the four directions symbolize the powerful trend that every item has to find its own opposite. This process can be even more confrontational, because to redress the balance between the two, both must yield to the other part of importance or rid of excess that represent and which have accumulated in our lives: just as the Earth makes us realistic and worldly, the air makes us imaginative and utopian; Since one represents the physical and one mental, our own nature and personality almost always make that we value more to one another, have more land, so we will be more stubborn and materialistic, or have more air, which we will return more restless and dreamers. Water and fire also must find its own equilibrium, as adaptation to what surrounds us, and the other one represents own expansion of individuality (respectively); Since one governs our emotions and the other our will, our own way of being is usually make us becoming more emotive and charitable to others or more self-centered and shortly considered. This is how the elements tend to influence each others to balance and how we ourselves encourage and appreciate more ones that others in the process, unbalancing our own inner balance and people becoming extremists. Commonly our imbalances come already marked from the day in which we are born, and are our astrological signs that give us the first track. Find out which item belongs your sign of the Zodiac and their strengths and weaknesses. To do so, later on, a section is dedicated in our study. If you are sincer @ Contigo mism @ you will recognize what or which of the four elements have more weight in your life and are unbalancing to others, and you will have to make an effort in pursuit of the balance for ti mism @ and for those around you. But do not you blame itself none of these four forces or adjudiques them with negativity, because they are not the cause of your lack of harmony; nothing further, are that will help you to retrieve it. Do not hesitate to contact with nature to help you in this purpose, and how not, remember that the Tarot will guide you on each of your steps.

The Amounts

Again use a properly approved voucher of the previous year, by changing a number of date, etc. Use prepared invoices by oneself and falsification of approvals. Payment of false invoices, obtained in collusion with suppliers. Increase in the amounts of the invoices, in collusion with suppliers. Loads personal purchases, the company improperly using purchase orders. Invoiced goods for personal benefit, charged to fake accounts. Dispatch goods to the home of an employee or relative to your advantage. Fake inventories to cover theft.

Use advances for business expenses, charity staff. Unduly collect cheques payable in favour of the company. Forged endorsements of checks payable to suppliers. Insert in books leaves with accounts or fictitious amounts. Deliberately delay the reconciliation of the account of a client. Show sums wrong in the records of inputs and outputs box.

Deliberately confuse the seats in control and detail accounts. Make new leaves for the books in order to avoid manipulations are discovered. Not close the cash receipts book in due time. Selling surplus materials or disposal and pocketing the proceeds from the sale. Sell the use of keys business, winery or boxes for money. The combination of the safe or vault sell for money. Allow vendors sell into companies and apply for commissions payable to the employee. Ask the vendors write checks in their personal capacity and not on behalf of the company. Clone expense checks or payroll payment to achieve charge what alteration of data in invoices to collect a viatico wholesale. And how prevent this? Having a good control board inner with your proper auditor also a good code of ethics and culture for prevention of fraud, the internal control and fraud prevention is the responsibility of all employees of the company. Avoid fraud in corporations, fraud is the poison that comes to damage the moral life of the employees of the company, prevent the opportunity to having a good internal auditor.

Juan Pablo

What what said Vatican II? Each of these vocations, in principle the first 4, it has a religious dimension. The fact that you have the vocation to the Diocesan priesthood, does not mean that you’re not interested the Mission of the Church. It means that you have to live the missionary dimension. All spirituality in the Church has a missionary dimension. Religious life also has a missionary dimension. Each an equal.

The contemplative life equal to married life, the lay life, in any case. But Juan Pablo II speaks that there is other specific vocations. That is the vocation missionary adgentes. You can be a priest, a religious, or, a contemplative (Teresita of the child Jesus), or marriages. The code of Canon law.

The title of missionary, gives it to those who have the vocation. To be missionaries and that does not depend on, if it is that it is secular, if it is that it is religious, or priest, or is of contemplative life. It also does not depend on if you are overseas, or, native to the place. (2 Of the 3 book of Canon law title) They are 870 barrels and many, they are 12 guns devoted to this theme, which are inspired by Vatican II, in Adgentes. Canon law says the missionary title, does not depend of the legal criterion. Not It depends on the State of life, if he is consecrated or not consecrated, secular or religious. How also depends, geographic, if he is a foreigner or situation of the place. Religious congregations in which you can’t be member if you do not have the vocation is missionary Adgentes. The case of the Comboni missionaries. Even the laity, marriage, also by the fact of having received baptism have to live this dimension missionary. Being in the world to be able to evangelize all structures of society; politics, law, economics, education, etc., etc. So far, the first part he was in charge of Professor angel Gomez, with the original theological foundations of the author mission theme and source of the article


In 2001, I had the opportunity, thank God of study Missiology relatively new subject within the range of disciplines in theological studies. Six months lasted studies, in which, apart from the compulsory literature, we had classes taught by different teachers expert in the matter. Each teacher at the end of their talks, which lasted for several weeks, they made an assessment in the form of consideration, and those points were recorded by the end of the studies. At the end of the studies, each student personally had to prepare a final work on the subject, and be approved by the Board of professors for the respective diploma. To give me the learning of the studies of this matter, I acquired a portable recorder of journalist, which recorded the classes taught by teachers.

On this occasion I want to transcribe verbatim some of them, because above all, the main aim of all these studies was that: being able to disseminate and expand this wonderful message. Then this is the first installment for everything those who read these articles. The first part was conducted by Professor in theology expert in Missiology Angel Gomez. The theme was: theological foundations of the mission and this was what he said: pointing out some general considerations about a historical perspective on the study of missiology in Catholic circles. Missiology was born in the Protestant environment, with the theme of ecumenism. Catholics arrived later in these topics.

But what is theology? Theology is a systematic and rigorous reflection on the word of God revealed to man. Because the Christian God is a God revealed. Christianity in a revealed or supernatural religion. It means that there are two types of religions. There is a natural religion, and the supernatural or revealed. Natural religion, means that, throughout all cultures and thanks to cultural anthropology studies, we observed that all human groups of all the cultures, there is always a religious illusion in each one of them.