In 2001, I had the opportunity, thank God of study Missiology relatively new subject within the range of disciplines in theological studies. Six months lasted studies, in which, apart from the compulsory literature, we had classes taught by different teachers expert in the matter. Each teacher at the end of their talks, which lasted for several weeks, they made an assessment in the form of consideration, and those points were recorded by the end of the studies. At the end of the studies, each student personally had to prepare a final work on the subject, and be approved by the Board of professors for the respective diploma. To give me the learning of the studies of this matter, I acquired a portable recorder of journalist, which recorded the classes taught by teachers.
On this occasion I want to transcribe verbatim some of them, because above all, the main aim of all these studies was that: being able to disseminate and expand this wonderful message. Then this is the first installment for everything those who read these articles. The first part was conducted by Professor in theology expert in Missiology Angel Gomez. The theme was: theological foundations of the mission and this was what he said: pointing out some general considerations about a historical perspective on the study of missiology in Catholic circles. Missiology was born in the Protestant environment, with the theme of ecumenism. Catholics arrived later in these topics.
But what is theology? Theology is a systematic and rigorous reflection on the word of God revealed to man. Because the Christian God is a God revealed. Christianity in a revealed or supernatural religion. It means that there are two types of religions. There is a natural religion, and the supernatural or revealed. Natural religion, means that, throughout all cultures and thanks to cultural anthropology studies, we observed that all human groups of all the cultures, there is always a religious illusion in each one of them.