Telematics award 2010 Hamburg/Hanover/Berlin present in Lower Saxony Economics Minister and VDA Managing Director (2010-03-30/Suresh). The trade journal telematics aims to bring the outstanding technologies and research of this innovative industry more in the public eye with the awarding of the Telematics Awards. This project is actively supported by the VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie) and Lower Saxony Economics Minister Jorg Bode, who has taken over the patronage. Bode will present in Theurbanpastor on September 27, 2010 the TELEMATIK award to the winners of the advertised categories together with the VDA Managing Director. Joint press release of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Lower Saxony, the VDA – Association of the automotive industry, as well as the trade journal telematics already into declared February 2010 bode his willingness to take over the patronage of the TELEMATIK award 2010. These days bode explained his commitment for the telematics industry in his greeting: in future to remain competitive, the transport, logistics, trade and services industry relies on fuel-saving drives and an efficient vehicle and order management.
The telematics offers impressive systems, which cause material, operating and personnel costs in the company considerably reduce. I have taken over like under the patronage of the TELEMATIK award 2010, because a great economic importance to this innovative and trend-setting technology. Telematics must be understood as an important driver of innovation not only in Germany, and it can be perceived. Therefore, I support the initiative of the organiser’s Telematics and am very excited about the technologies that I can draw from in September 2010 personally. I wish every success to all submitted companies.
“These days the organizer of telematics reached also the message that the Federation definitely says to his participation in the ceremony of the automotive industry and announced the personal appearance of the VDA Managing Director Theurbanpastor on. The editor-in-Chief of the telematics Klischewsky evaluates the readiness of both partnerships so: A TV commitment to the telematics industry and our project could not have it. We are very happy, that we may already know this appreciation in the first year of the competition by the economy Minister as patron, as well as through the partnership to the VDA. This is an extremely important signal in the telematics industry. “Telematics – journal MKK market communication is editor of telematics Telematics is a cross-cutting technology that link the areas of navigation, positioning and communication and computer science. It includes all applications based on wireless transmission of information of every kind and its subsequent processing. The journal telematics aims for this technology and research an all-encompassing market and information space”between manufacturers and users to create, to still quite young and innovative Telematics industry closer to bring to the attention of the public. Telematics binds nationwide expert journalists and marketing professionals who constantly communicate with companies, institutions, universities, associations of the telematics industry. You bundles the interests and ideas from research & Development, business, communities of interest, as well as by providers, manufacturers, and users at a high level and brings together all stakeholders on this public stage”.