Social Responsibility Profitability

RSE at a first moment in ‘ ‘ comovemos’ ‘ with so good undertaken actions. For times we even ask in them if the empresariado one really is more conscientious and with a softer and benevolent heart. If the heart improved does not know. But that the results – dim dim in the pocket – improve with the RSE it is fact. The RSE alone functions and is of ‘ ‘ p’ ‘ , a time that is lucrative to be sociamente responsible and to tread the way of the sustainable development.

Contrary case would not have miracle capable to make an entrepreneur to go to the search of the RSE. You pray that entrepreneur in s conscience searchs damages? This new trend in the behavior of the companies already demonstrated that the social responsibility propitiates better sales, increases the slice in the market, the loyalty of the clientele and still the motivation of the collaborators. The social responsibility can and must be adopted for practises business-oriented more responsible and sustainable. Already if the importance cannot more subestimar> of this it stops with the consumers, a time that the options of purchase and the competitiveness in prices increase day-by-day. It does not have as to adapt the RS of one day for the other in a company: Defined the focus of the strategy, the support better to manage this tool must break of the top and the bases of the company, involving all the even though supplying collaborators and, for, then, being carried to the exterior.

Undeniable the positive effect in adopting strategies and action as: cleaner production, reaproveitamento and I reuse of water, better treatment with effluent, logistic reversa, projects directed to the education and culture, investments in security and health of the collaborators A married strategical management with actions directed to the support will propitiate profitability the medium and long run. Beyond other innumerable advantages, the financial performance also improves because the companies obtain to attract more investments. Although not yet it is a niche, the investment in RS is one of most dynamic and greater growth in the financial world. Therefore companies directed to the ethical and ambient concerns accede more and more to a capital that of another form would not be available.