The Ancient Art Of Stone

Steinmetz informs sixes from Augsburg stonemasons exert an ancient craft. Already many millennia ago, stone processing techniques have been developed for the construction of huge monuments and inconspicuous memorials. The Augsburg Steinmetz Christian insight into the development of ancient masonry were sixes. The products of masonry are how pervasiveness, leaving probably most impressive find in Egypt. The Egyptian pyramids are of humanity for millennia to the most impressive monuments.

Seen today, is hard to imagine with what minimal means that former Masons came from. Egyptian Masons worked mostly with stone tools. Copper and bronze were also later applied, but so valuable that the corresponding tools under the threat of high sentences to make every night were. Limestone, as they mostly used him, is not excessively hard rock. Nevertheless, the performance of former Masons is a testimony of high craftsmanship and tremendous usage will. The ancient Greece stands for many advances in science, society, and technology. The masonry is no exception.

Facilities such as the Parthenon testifies to the craftsmanship and artistic talent of Greek Masons and stone sculptor. The Greek ancient stonemasons attacked mostly to bronze and iron implements, which settled the marble favored amazingly accurate edit. What reputation it enjoyed in ancient Greek society, is it obvious that they rose to high political offices. In the Roman Empire, the Greek masonry was taken over and over great share Europe until after Germania spread. Roman architects and stonemasons covered the entire Empire with impressive buildings, which remained partly on almost 1500 years in operation, how many bridges and aqueducts. For the Roman ruler was the construction of the utmost importance. So about Emperor Konstantin ordered that schools would be built throughout the Empire, the Art of construction to teach and disseminate. The masonry is based today on the techniques and knowledge of ancient civilizations. Of course, the style of buildings, monuments and tombs has repeatedly changed. The underlying methodology of the Stoneworking differs but little from techniques that were applied in the ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. The Augsburg Christian Steinmetz combines traditional methods of masonry with modern architectural and artistic claim six. Like, he answered questions for traditional and at the same time modern stone processing.