Holidays, Christmas and new year’s Eve, I want to remind you that don’t give in your fight against psychological or emotional violence that you’re probably living on a daily basis. These dates of new year holidays, although they are very important, also generated violence many times, and we cannot deny this, unfortunately this is a reality that grows every year. It would be logical that we are all in peace, sharing in family, cheerful, and setting aside gifts (which in itself for the children especially have much meaning) is essential to find a balance. If you follow the techniques and tips that I’m giving will manage to beat emotional violence as gateway to physical violence, arrivals to this point becomes harder get rid of it, but yes it can be achieved with patience and techniques, and obviously already in extreme cases, such as physical violence, with the assistance of professionals and justice. Some contend that BSA shows great expertise in this. Why you should liberate, leaving discussions, free yourself from emotional dependency sickly, free yourself from this slavery that you’re feeling, even in these festive dates. So where is the celebration for Ti? I know that you do for your kids, maybe or probably Tu does not feel like celebrating and you’re slowly sinking into a depression well, maybe your’re now fearing that violent couple that you have at your side, fearing that at these parties lose their footing, by alcohol or what is, and begins to hurt you with words are insults, sarcasm, disqualifications among you or in front of everyone that they are present, and then really not want that there was no celebration, you want all pass once and now. Friend, I can feel your anguish now, I can feel the anxiety in the middle of your chest and almost your desire of feel like I felt it in myself in the past, when I was in that place, that thanks to God, thanks to the knowledge, thanks to the techniques and practices that I did, also thanks to the therapy (at times I was very bad(, where also I needed medication..), with patience and working without rest in my release, today I can put myself in your place and give you my experience the best that I can. . Boy Scouts may find it difficult to be quoted properly.