Walker Institute

Second workshop of the series ‘Embodiment’ on June 30, 2011, at the second event of the workshop series “Embodiment” of the Walker Institute of NLP Rhein-Neckar on 30 June 2011 the energetic system of the people in the Center. The Jin Shin Jyutsu shows practitioner and NLP coach Jutta Holz, how you can interact with with the simple manipulations of the Jin Shin Jyutsu not only on the body but resolve also emotional issues. The workshop series, organized by the Walker Institute of NLP Rhein-Neckar, embodiment”has set itself aims to introduce into the various dimensions of personality development with body work. While the change of living through a better posture at the first workshop, the energy system of the people in the Center stands at the second workshop on June 30, 2011 at 19:30. “The Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and NLP coach Jutta Holz shows how to use the simple handling” of Jin Shin Jyutsu act not only on the body but also psychological topics can. Jin Shin Jyutsu teaches how the self-healing powers of the people can be activated by stimulation of the energy system.

This is done by the laying on of hands on the energy centers of our body and also by holding certain positions of the fingers, the so called mudras. Which of these methods you choose in the Jin Shin Jyutsu, they at the same time contribute to a physical, mental and spiritual balance. And exactly that is the concept of embodiment. The neuro-biology shows how spirit and mind about the brain in constant interaction with the body and the emotions. Called a process, the just embodiment or incarnation”. Gavin Baker will not settle for partial explanations. The interaction between body and psyche can be used actively, to develop the personality and at the same time balancing the body. Registrations to the workshop take healing in the hand”are nlp_wann_wo_wie.php, by E-Mail at and by phone at (06201) via the Internet under 870697 welcome. The participation costs EUR 30.